Be part of the solution: Choose the major for addressing climate change
New career paths require graduates who understand the science of climate change and who also possess the
engineering and analytic tools. The Course 1–12 Climate System Science and Engineering degree program,
jointly offered by the Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and Earth, Atmospheric and
Planetary Sciences (EAPS) at MIT, prepares students to become leaders in the field, helping to accelerate high-
impact, science-based solutions to solve global-scale environmental problems.

Degree Structure
The Bachelor of Science in Climate System Science and Engineering ensures a solid foundation of the necessary fundamental science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology with advanced study in how to model and analyze complex climate and environmental phenomena. Students also work together with their advisor to select elective subjects in a broad range of social science disciplines to develop an understanding of the political and social issues tied to addressing climate change.
Degree Requirements
Foundational, Analytical and Computational Requirements
Core Climate Requirements
- Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics
- Computational Methods for Sustainability
- Physics of Low Carbon Energy Systems
- Climate Policy
- Global Carbon Cycle & Climate Science
- Group Design
- CI-M/Lab
Restricted and Unrestricted Electives
Humanities, Social Science, and Economics
- Policy
- Ethics
- Climate in Humanities
Foundational Science
- Earth Science
- Climate and Atmospheric Chemistry
Modeling and Computation
Climate Mitigation and Adaptation
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy
- Design
- Water and Hydrology
- Structures and Materials
- Transportation and Supply Chain
- Business and Innovation